Logo - Cabinet Chaton-Meunier, Experts forestiers

History & Key figures Facts and figures about Chaton-Meunier

Our office provides management of nearly 30,000 ha of production forest, hardwood and coniferous.
Our office accompanies the managers of more than 60 forest holdings or rural land holdings (at various degrees of involvement).
Every year, we present over 60,000  m³ of wood on the markets.
Since 2000, we have organised the replanting of nearly 1000 ha of hardwood and conifers.
Since 2000, the office has managed the construction of over 100 km of forest roads.
Every year, we assist investors to purchase several hectares of forest.

The office

Since its creation in 1984 by Mr Gérard SEILLIER, the office has continued to accompany forest owners in their investment projects and in the management of their forestry assets.

Historically established in the Burgundy region and its neighbouring departments, since 2022 we have been developing our business in the Limousin region. This region, renowned for its abundant forests, particularly on the Plateau de Millevaches, offers new investment opportunities for our customers.

We are always ready to study your projects: contact[at]expert-forestier.fr


The compulsory membership of the National Council for Land, Agricultural and Forestry Expertise (Conseil National de l’Expertise Foncière, Agricole et Forestière) guarantees the independence, the integrity and the training level of  its members..

This council is vested with disciplinary powers for arbitration of issues relating the professional ethics.

The title of forestry expert is protected by rural code. You can find the regulation of the forestry expert profession on the site: www.cnefaf.fr


Experts Forestiers de France, a professional association, in which the majority of approved forestry experts are members. It has the task of promoting and defending our trade.

E.F.F. takes care of the neutrality and the independence  of its members, necessary virtues for establishing confidence between proprietors and forestry experts.

E.F.F. organises the training of its members, an indispensable condition for the holding of the title of forestry expert.

A visit to the internet site of E.F.F., www.foret-bois.com, will give you additional information concerning the trade of forestry expert.

Activity zone The management of a forest property can only be conceived in close proximity to the actuel forest itself.

The forests which are followed and managed by our office are basically in  the Burgundy region and its neighbouring departments (Loiret, Cher, Allier, Jura, Haute-Saône, Haute-Marne, Aube and Seine et Marne).

This activity sector, voluntarily restricted, allowed for a good knowledge of the area, the wood markets and the people involved in the forestry business.

Office of Bourgogne (orange area)
2 Impasse de l'Etang - 89380 Appoigny
03 86 51 23 84


Office of Limousin (green area)
18 Route d'Aubusson - 23000 Sainte-Feyre
06 32 53 12 19 (Remi GASPARD)